On 9 July I was fortunate enough to go on a tour of Hansa Studios, Berlin organised by Thilo at Berlin Music Tours . As well as the Hansa tour they also arrange a bus tour of Berlin's music scene which I'll be doing next time I'm there. I recommend that you go on this tour if you have a chance.
From there we went up to what was the old control room. It's now a bar but previously it was the room that housed the mixing desk etc that dealt with all recordings from the main hall. The area around Hansa used to be pretty desolate featuring only a garden and a view of the Berlin Wall. It was from the control room's window that Bowie saw two people kissing "...by the wall" which helped inspire Heroes. As with the main hall, it felt really special standing in that room.
From there we moved upstairs to Studio 1. What's special about Studio 1? This is where Depeche mixed Construction Time Again and recorded Some Great Reward, Shake The Disease and Black Celebration. I didn't know what to say or do when I was there really. I'd seen footage from their time in the studio on the re-issue dvd's and had had the pleasure of hearing Gareth Jones talk about his and DM's time there at the Mute Short Circuit event but to actually stand in the studio was mind blowing. Here's a picture of the studio itself
which I am assured is pretty much as it was at the time the band recorded there albeit the equipment has changed etc. What was exactly the same as the time Depeche (and U2, Nick Cave, Einsturzende Neubauten etc) was the control room for Studio 2. The vast majority of the equipment in there was there when Depeche recorded there and was used by them, Gareth Jones and Daniel Miller. Call me a needless Depeche Mode geek like fanboy but the fact I was able to see (and indeed surreptitiously touch) that equipment took my breath away. Here's the mixing desk itself:
The picture isnt too clear but at the sides you will hopefully see the wall speakers. Thilo plugged his IPhone into the desk and played Black Celebration at full volume through those. I've never heard the song sound as good or as huge. It was stunning. As well as the desk the original analogue tape machines remain in place.
I tweeted a picture of these to Gareth Jones who retweeted it so that's confirmation enough for me.
And that was that. We had some studio chat which was I enjoyed far much more than my wife did and then we left. It was a truly fantastic experience and like I said above, if you are in Berlin then get in touch with Thilo and go on this tour. Every Depeche Mode fan should do it.
(Thanks to Panos for the additional info and fact checking!)
(Thanks to Panos for the additional info and fact checking!)
Fantastic. I was there last year, but I didn't get a chance to go inside. It must have been a very gloomy place since it's located in a street that had a dead end by the wall just a few meter away.